
by the metaworld

Sara Stewart, Us by the Metaworld 

October 2022

Wooden chairs, cords and wires, digital prints on luster, pen and ink

Us by the Metaworld is a fragment of thought concerning my partner and I. I’ve used materiality and images to create a dynamic commentary on coping with early long distance relationships. Comfortably being able to create a companionship and trust when 3000 miles away. How can one truly know someone through FaceTime or the blue bubble filled with words. This piece is dedicated to how our words have visually created a bridge for us to flow so naturally. The cords allow us to be bound and tied together, taking a seat down when necessary. Understanding that we can lean on each other through healthy conversation. included is our poetry and conversations about trivial matters, our thoughts or a discussion of disappointment as well as moments of ethereal connection. Something that has helped me handle the loss of physical touch. The poet and Persian philosophers, Rumi and Shams have been a guiding force in our relationship, as well as the weighting on the portraits. There are 12 portraits, slowly losing depth into each other, faces becoming erased with words. Conceptually this message is to define a concept of how words take over when digital conversations come to play. Physicality is lost as words are typed, leaving your words lingering over and collecting as time goes by. The sculptural piece is found objects; two chairs, sat on top of each other bound by phone chargers and earbuds. This is also questioning the technology influence has on our relationship and if it was there would we be on this path?


Small and Medium Format


Short Films